Carpet Cleaning – Steam Cleaning vs. Dry Cleaning your carpets

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Pocka Dola Carpet Cleaning Melbourne on your side has compiled these videos for your carpet cleaning education.  For all your carpet cleaning needs call us now on (03) 9111 5619.  You’ll be glad you did!


Kevin Matthews says:

This video is totally biased towards steam cleaning,I have been cleaning carpets for over 25 years,working with the Elite Carpet Dry Cleaning system for 21 of those years its nothing like what you make it out to be,First of all the Elite system removes most stains without having to use stain removals,The Elite system deodorizes and disinfects your carpet at the same time,Dry cleaning also reduces the chance of dust mites breading.Having to RAKE the carpet it called grooming even u should do it

brandon Olson says:

Portable extractor. Correction on my behalf from comment below

brandon Olson says:

There will always be an argument about which method works the best. but if I can go out and spend 4k And still get the same or better results than your 30 to 50k steam cleaning van, than I’m going to stick with spending less. It only makes sense. And if you must, than go out and by a decent Hwe extractor. It’s a win win without needing a gas guzzling van.

brandon Olson says:

Um yeah,steam cleaning can also void warranty. So can not vacuuming, vacuuming too much, and so fourth. Dry carpet cleaning such as a CRB will not void and are approved by carpet mills. I myself use low moisture and have been told I cleaned better then steam cleaners. But wait, both cleaning methods serve a different purpose, and both do really work. When you say dry, I say low moisture. For bad urine stains, than yes ,please use hot water extraction because It needs to be rinsed out properly.

housecleanersSydney4 says:

excellent tips, love to watch this video.

cleaningcompaniessy2 says:

great video, love to watch it, thanks.

heckpack67 says:

This sort of video post or talk about one method of carpet cleaning being the best or the other is a common way for a business to benefit from bagging or putting down a method of carpet cleaning to lift themselves up to appear as the expert on the subject thus driving business their way. There is no best single way to clean carpets. It is really subject to specific factors.

heckpack67 says:

The technology behind all methods of carpet cleaning and their cleaning chemicals have really advanced much till today.I wouldn’t say that one method of carpet cleaning is better than the other. They all can achieve great desired results when a carpet cleaning technician is properly well trained in knowledge and skilled in its method.

FusionCRS Shalimar says:

Love the Video i hope you don’t mind if i show it on my blog, Ty

officecleaningsyd01 says:

great video..thanks for explaining so beautifully!

David Weidlich says:

I’m guessing you mean Chem-Dry when you talk about dry cleaning. It does cause fiber distortion.
Click on my name to see a video demonstrating one dry cleaning method, which is different than the method you’re referring to.

David Weidlich says:

Google “Advanced Dry Carpet Cleaning” for a thorough comparison on Steam Cleaning and Dry Carpet Cleaning

David Weidlich says:

I have seen a few situations that might call for hot water extraction cleaning (aka “Steam Cleaning”) but only a few. In most cases, dry cleaning is best. Less solution is used and it is extracted – contrary to your claim (at 0:25). Also, dry cleaning methods, such as HOST and Teri-towel systems are less disruptive to the pile than most wet cleaning methods.

lologalvez1 says:

As a technician for over ten years, a good portable machine would consist of the following: a good solution pump 150 psi or better, single or dual vac for optimized suction. If a hot water source is a problem you could opt for a unit with a water heater. Happy cleaning.

micksterboo says:

Just a question ,We are currently starting a carpet cleaning buisness and when you say a steam cleaner is that hot water extraction machine? as as we are in England which portable machine would you reccomend .Many thanks

Turbo Lower says:

I entirely agree that steam is best, I started out doing dry but after purchasing a polivac preditor I quickly realised what was best, However I have found that vacuming, steam cleaning and then a dry clean on top does a top notch job and gives a dryer more consistant clean. I have raving customers and an exploding business. I highly recommend giving this method a go.

jamiemayers1 says:

In the USA, carpet manufacturers require the use of an IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification) technician with a STEAM Cleaning to maintain the warranty on carpets. Dry cleaning is not an option and MAY void warranties. I have been a steam carpet cleaner for 7 years, and have cleaned carpets for the OWNERS of the the Dry Cleaning companies, because steam works.

j0138 says:

you covered bonnet type dry cleaning . what about dry extraction such as host , dry max, or control by harvard chem. these use sponges combined with dual brush machines . thx jb

SparrowFC says:

Well thats helped make my mind up, thanks kyle

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