How Dry Cleaning Works

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strokesfan1107 says:

Thanks Marshall, I learned a lot!

… now go blow your nose.

fatboysancho says:

The t-shirt machine was awesome

benjamiy831 says:


imlkrsfn says:

This is not true.

johnlyn1 says:

Well you got 2 choices. Just throw your clothes away after they get dirty and go buy new clothes. Or pull out your wallet and spend a $100 grand to set up your own dry cleaner’s in some industrial complex and pay rent for the building every month. LOL

StreetLordOG says:

Does any one knows if its safe to take levis 501 shrink to fit to a dry cleaning ?

Marcus Deal says:


bandrewes says:

that was pretty darn safe

Darkfoxdemonx says:

it certainly is.

aznmafia77 says:

anyone know a good place to dry clean canada gooses?

ftgv1 says:

Sound like a pain in the backside if you ask me

Bad Jaeaux says:

Chuck Norris has one at home for his beard

Darkfoxdemonx says:

no, it’s a kind of foam similar to upholstery foam, only much more sensitive to water. it will retain a basic shape unless submerged in water or left in a humid environment, which will make it warp and start to come apart.

ftgv1 says:

what so it’s paper basically?

A Carroll says:

It’s no different then swimming in a swimming pool with a bunch of other “rear ends” in the same pool as yours. The only thing cleaning the pool is chemicals. The chemicals is what cleans your clothes at the cleaners.

benjamiy831 says:

I have no idea why people make it a point to give their nice shirts to dry cleaners. Dry cleaning is very harsh against cotton fibers and with continuous cleaning, the fibers will weaken and eventually breakdown. I never give my nice shirts to dry cleaners.

MithraMusic says:

Judging by the comments, it seems like nobody really understands what “solvent” and “distilled” and “filtered” mean. Just to clarify, it doesn’t mean that all the clothes are sitting around in dirty bathwater along with a piece of clothing that’s drenched in semen. It means that the cleaning agent being used is being constantly cleaned as well so that by the end of the cycle everything is clean, including both the clothing and the cleaning agent.

butternuttt says:

yeah i know! 

balanceweightloss says:

very interesting!

topranked52 says:

The employees wrinkle the damn thing as soon as its done by just shoving it at the end.

esteban0321 says:

Jerry Seinfeld brought me here.

Darkfoxdemonx says:

so…. is there a way to clean something without it getting wet? I recently started making costumes, but the material used will deteriorate easily when in contact with majority of liquids, water especially, but chemicals are no better.

(…stupid dry cleaning and its misleading title….)

HueJazzz says:

i just came here to get my dick wet lol

Jenkel Francisco says:

why should some garments need to be dry cleaned instead of laundered?

lafrancecleaners says:

I actually think it’s a pretty good video. I covers much of the process.

Ggarcon007 says:


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