Royal MRY7910 / MRY7940 Carpet Extractor – Best Carpet Cleaner Review & Testimonial

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Pocka Dola Carpet Cleaning Melbourne on your side has compiled these videos for your carpet cleaning education.  For all your carpet cleaning needs call us now on (03) 9111 5619.  You’ll be glad you did!


SEOJohnBurnettJr says:

Great review! Is that Aaron Rodgers?!

TheSib says:

Very good job on your review! Thank you for posting this.

Jayson Morin says:

I’m trying to decide on a cleaner still so I’m not sure if you can but if you can i’d love to see one of these badboys in action?


This video was great.Explained everything to a T.Thanks!

GoVacuums says:

Yes, they are the same unit except the MRY7940 is for commercial use and has a 3 prong cord and less warranty, If you are buying for home use, I would suggest the MRY7910

Jayson Morin says:

How would the cleaning capability of the Royal MRY 7910, MRY 7940 compare? Are they the same one just has more warranty etc?…

panaclean775 says:

Bissell is not even close.

MieleTouchtronic says:

Rug Doctor has a much bigger solution capacity and way more suction.

TheKnifewife says:

LOVE this video! You covered a lot of details! I’m totally convinced that I NEED THIS! One of my biggest pet peeves is a dirty machine. I love the fact that this machine is cleanable!!! Perfect for me. 🙂

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